SRB Curriculum
What a day at The Hive looks like
The planning for curriculum is pupil led, so that we can use areas of interest and themes within the children’s experiences. These can change year on year depending upon the cohort of children we have. We will have daily sessions of Maths, English and Foundation Subjects and these will be tailored to meet the needs of each individual child.
We try to give children first hand experiences through practical learning and focus on the core skills of resilience, confidence, self-esteem, listening, turn-taking, sharing and co-operation with the aim of developing these areas to support children returning to their home school.
Our timetable aims to mirror a usual school day structure, as it helps children to follow a similar routine to that of their home school. This means that English and Maths is usually taught in the morning sessions, with Foundation Subjects in the afternoons. We also have an Outdoor Learning lesson daily in the afternoon. Whole class teaching sessions may be shorter which allows children to work in smaller groups with an adult. The other curriculum areas are taught as part of a cross curricular theme. P.E is taught weekly, and uses indoor and outdoor spaces. We also plan for individual needs so during the day there are 1:1 session for children which help to target academic, social or emotional areas of learning, this includes weekly 1:1 ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) sessions for each child with our specialist trained members of staff.
Example of the timetable for the child’s first half term at the base:
Toast and talk
This session starts the day in a relaxed manner, we start with an emotional check-in and then give the children time to talk about whatever they would like, share their own interests, talk about what they have been doing outside of school or what they are doing during the school day.
Sensory circuits
A sensory circuit is a form of sensory integration intervention. It involves a sequence of physical activities that are designed to alert, organise and calm the child. The sensory circuit aims to facilitate sensory processing to help children regulate and organise their senses in order to achieve the ‘just right’ or optimum level of alertness required for effective learning. The circuit is an active, physical and fun activity that children enjoy doing.
We follow the National Curriculum through the White Rose Maths scheme of work.
We will look at the levels for each child and plan a bespoke maths lesson based on both areas of strength and need.
Writing skills
We follow the National Curriculum with an emphasis on SPAG lessons.
We will look at the levels for each child and plan a bespoke writing lesson based on their areas of strength and need. We also teach elements of the Wensum Junior School English curriculum, they use Read to Write, Write to Read.
Foundation Subjects
This is a time of the day where we can explore areas of interest that the children have or take part in activities that can support and develop the children’s emotional literacy. Some of the activities include: cooking, gardening, looking after animals, science, outdoor learning and art.
These sessions look at SEMH issues. We look at emotional issues, self-esteem, managing feelings etc.
Executive functioning games
Executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. We use this time to play short, fun games that help strengthen this mental process.
Wellbeing and mindfulness
Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices such as yoga, colouring and model making to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.
Hand gym
These are activities designed to work the smaller muscles in the hand and improve fine motor skills. This helps to improve hand strength, dexterity, and range of motion, and in term can improve handwriting and stamina.
Book Look
In this session we will give the children opportunity to read to or with an adult, or we may do some whole class story telling or read books together as a class.
Golden time
These will equate to time given at the end of the day for free play.
Drink, biscuit and gratitude
To round off the day positively we will all share in special time together where we will enjoy a drink and a biscuit and share what has been positive for each child today. We will also talk briefly about what to expect the next day to alleviate any concerns.