Welcome to our Governors page. As part of Evolution Academy Trust, our Trustees take overall accountability and responsibility for governance for all 12 schools. However, we believe strongly in the benefit of local governance and we also operate with an LGB, who in-line with our scheme of delegation and LGB Terms of Reference, carry out checks on behalf of Trustees. These documents can be found on our Trust website here Trust Governance pages
In summer 2022, as a result of changes in leadership, we replaced the Local Governing Body with a Transition Board. The key difference is that the Transition Board members are made up of more educational experts and the rate of change and improvement is increased, as is the support for the headteacher and staff team.
The Chair of the Transition Board is Jonathan Carroll, an experienced headteacher for many years and Chairs a number of Governing Bodies, Dr Craig Avieson – who leads our school improvement, is the CEO and inspects with Ofsted, and Matt Wigg, Headteacher at Filby Primary school who also leads SEND for the Trust. There are two parent governors, Zoe Davies and Liz Ferguson, and one community governor, Kate Smith. We have robust systems and processes for local governance in all schools, including standardised agenda, documentation, professional clerking and close integration with the central team and Trustees. We are in the process of transitioning back towards a traditional LGB model.
The Transition Board meet regularly and also communicate with staff and parents throughout.