Lower Phase (Year 3 and 4)


The Lower Phase mixes together children from Year 3 and Year 4.

There are 4 classes in the lower phase.

Year 3 – 3H – Mrs Hands

Year 3 – 3A – Miss Allen

Year 4 – 4G – Miss Groves

Year 4 – 4W – Mr Whitehead

Teaching Assistants in Y5/6 – Mrs Piercy, Miss Fiddament, Mrs Dunnell.

HLTA’s – Mrs Humphrey and Mrs Bellerby to work across lower and upper phase.

Miss Westley/Miss Sayer/Mrs Butler Dack to work across lower and upper phase.

Wensum Junior School, Turner Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 4HB
Telephone: 01603 620877
Email: office@wensumjunior.org.uk

Head of School: Mrs Peachment
SENDCo: Mrs C Peachment
Chair of Governors: Mrs K Lawson